On the plate: Chuleta Kan Kan pork chop, Basmati rice, kidney bean stew, plantain tostone.
The “Chuleta Kan Kan” is not your average pork chop. This cut of meat will blow your mind, starting with the vision on the plate. The tender chop comes from deep within the hog near the rib and flowers out along the bone, inventively butchered to render a delightful image of pork heaven. The meat follows the length of the bone and is artfully prepared in a tomahawk shape. Already sweet and crisp, pairing the pork chop with a tangy sweet and sour sauce or with a seasoned olive oil will change the flavors subtly to enhance the desire of the moment. The richest, sweetest bites come from along the bone where the fat has had a chance to tenderize the moist meat.
The tender basmati rice is an excellent light starch foundation that enhances the depth of both the pork and the fried plantain tostones. Taken with a small bite of kidney bean stew, your stomach will thank you for the treat. Each bite allows you to savor a hearty variety of flavors, or isolate one from the next and experience a new flavor delight.
Choosing a wine is easy for this dish. A robust, sweet Tempranillo like the Spanish Rioja, Vinestral, is perfect to match the weight of the sweet pork meat while giving your tastebuds a break from the adventure of the plate. This meal, paired with a deep red, will warm you in the depth of winter and, I promise, will have you savoring every bite.